Friday, January 27, 2017

Tips and Tricks: Modern Warfare Remastered SnD Classes

So. You bought Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered. Ok, let's be honest. You bought Modern Warfare Remastered, and it just happened to come attached to Infinite Warfare. Now, you've been playing team death match in MWR for a while, and want to move up to the big leagues. You want to play the game mode that they play in the MLG. Search and Destroy. You're sneaky enough. You've got some skills. The only thing left to know now is what kind of classes to run. Well, I just might be able to help you out with that.

Having not played Call of Duty 4 in a long time, I had to start from scratch myself. I had to test things, different variables, what attachment on what gun, things like that. Here's a list of five classes I've come up with that seem to work well for me, and are fairly commonly seen throughout the game. Two of the classes will be designed specifically for lower leveled players, whereas the rest will be designed for higher levels.

Class 1: Mr. Do-It-All
Required Level: 1, though you will need 75 kills to unlock the silencer on the M16A4.

Primary: M16A4 
Attachment: Silencer

Secondary: USP .45
Attachment: No attachment/Silencer (your preference)

Tactical: Stun

Perk 1: C4
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact

The Mr. Do-It-All class is an ideal class for lower level players to start out. The M16 is a highly accurate three round burst assault rifle, that is effective at mid-long range, and performs fairly well in CQC with a fast enough trigger finger. If you aren't comfortable with a three-round burst in close-quarters, then the USP is the best pistol you can use at a low level. It has the highest accuracy in class, and is second in damage and range only to the Desert Eagle. You can expect this class to be effective on almost any map, but will have the highest success on medium-sized maps with longer indoor hallways and open areas. Some of the maps this class will have the best success on include Bloc, Backlot, Strike, and Crossfire.

Class 2: The Room Clearer
Required Level: 1, though you will need 25 kills to unlock the Red Dot Sight on the MP5.

Primary: MP5
Attachment: Red Dot Sight

Secondary: USP .45
Attachment: No attachment/Silencer (your preference)

Tactical: Stun

Perk 1: C4
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Steady Aim

The Room Clearer class is designed specifically for close-quarters combat. The MP5 is a good, quality SMG with decent accuracy, decent damage, best in class range, decent fire rate, and good mobility. This class will help you clear out small rooms, while still providing you moderate range when caught in a longer corridor. The USP is more of an accessory on this class if you run out of bullets on your MP5, or if you want to stay a bit quieter by using fewer shots. The stun grenade will disorient your opponents, allowing you to rush into the room they are camping in, and shoot them before they're able to even turn their weapon towards you. This class will be optimal on smaller maps with fewer open spaces and maps that funnel action into smaller areas like Vacant, Downpour, and Crash.

Class 3: Mr. Do-It-All Sr.
Level Required: 44

Primary: M16A4 
Attachment: Silencer

Secondary: Desert Eagle

Tactical: Stun

Perk 1: Claymore/Frag x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Dead Silence/Deep Impact

A more experience version of the Mr. Do-It-All, the Mr. Do-It-All Sr. utilizes weapons and perks that you unlock at a higher level. Once again, the best weapon in the game at this moment for search and destroy is a silenced M16A4. Its versatility and range allows it to outgun almost any other weapon at mid range, and it retains its power and range fairly well, even when silenced. This will allow you to stay under the radar while running dead silence, making your footsteps much more difficult to hear. Stopping power will continue to provide the extra umpf you need in order to take down opponents who run juggernaut, while laying down claymores will help you to defend areas and set up shop to keep an eye on hallways and straightaways. If you prefer to play a more aggressive style, running Frag x3 will allow you to flush opponents out of buildings, or aid in getting you that lucky spawn grenade kill to start a round. Just like the Mr. Do-It-All, the Mr. Do-It-All Sr. plays well on basically every map, but works especially well where you will be fighting in mid-long range gunfights. 

Class 4: CQB Expert
Required Level: 44

Primary: AK-74u
Attachment: Silencer

Secondary: Desert Eagle

Tactical: Stun

Perk 1: Special Grenades x3/ Frag x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Dead Silence

The CQB Expert will expand upon The Room Clearer by adding versatility through the AK-74u, which has the highest damage in class. The extra damage allows you to turn 50/50 gunfights with The Room Clearer into 60/40 gunfights. With dead silence and a silencer on the AK-74u, you will be able to move about the map nearly silently, and take out your opponents in flanking close-quarters situations. The Desert Eagle will give you additional versatility in close-range 1v1 fights, since it has the highest damage of any pistol. Taking 3 stun grenades will allow you to both scout out enemies camping, as well as keeping them stunned while you make your way inside the room. If you're confident in the routes that are run by players in certain maps, you can also take Frag x3 to get an early spawn grenade kill to help your team's cause. The CQB Expert will help you take control of maps where lots of gun fighting is taking place in a small area, like near the B bomb on Strike, A building of Crash, or in the alleys of District.

Class 5: The Marksman
Required Level: 43

Primary: R700
Attachment: No attachment/ACOG (your preference)

Secondary: Desert Eagle

Tactical: Smoke

Perk 1: Claymore
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact

The Marksman is a long-range specialist. When your team needs to control an area near a bomb that sits outside with long lines of sight around it, this class is the class you'll want to use. The Marksman will set you up to watch the straightaways, while keeping your back protected with claymores. Even if someone gets past your claymores, you are in a good position with the strongest pistol in the game as your secondary. I prefer the R700 over the M40A3 simply for more damage, although these two are almost interchangeable. I would suggest one of the bolt action sniper rifles over the Barrett .50cal only because of the Barrett's lower accuracy. This being said, you can use the Barrett on this class and still be effective, so long as you are accurate enough as a sniper. Now, the one thing you may have a question about is the tactical grenade. Why would you run smoke, and not stun or flash? Well, if you're truly sniping, you will want to run smoke in order to get to your sniper point with minimal detection. If you are quick-scoping, you may want to run flash or stun for those CQC situations. The Marksman is going to be most effective on large maps or those with long lines of sight, such as Overgrown, Bog, Pipeline, and Wet Work.

So these are the five classes that I've had the most success or have seen the most success with. Obviously having the right weapon and equipment will help you out in the grand scheme of things, but a weapon is only as accurate as the person firing it. That being said, these classes should help you out if you're having a hard time finding a class setup that works for you in search and destroy. I hope you enjoyed the article, and if you did, please share it to your friends on social media! This is The FPS Gamer Noob checking out.

Welcome to The FPS Gamer Noob

Hi there.

My name is Ryan, and I'm The FPS Gamer Noob. My goal here is to share tips, tricks, news, and opinions with you regarding video games, while primarily focusing on first person shooters.

To give you a little bit of information about myself, I'm a 22 year old from Ohio, who has been playing first person shooters for about twelve years. I started out playing Call of Duty 2, and have played every one since, though I haven't played much since Advanced Warfare was released; however, with the remastering of Call of Duty 4, I have begun to get back into the series. In my time playing FPS games, I have played multiple Battlefield titles, beginning with Battlefield 1943 and Bad Company 2, as well as Titanfall, Destiny, Heroes and Generals, Combat Arms, and more.

Now, as I'm sure you can tell from the blog name, I'm not the best in the world by any means. Right now I would consider myself to be an average FPS player, though I was fairly decent back in the days of Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. During those two games, I competed in game battles with a clan of 7 other guys, and we placed in the top third of the leader boards for a while. Those days are long gone now, though, and after taking a hiatus from FPS games, I have lost the edge I once had.

So now that you know a little bit about myself and my gaming history, what can you expect out of the blog? Well, several things.

First and foremost, I will be actively looking for tips and tricks to help your game out so that you can be a better FPS player. Right now my FOTM is Modern Warfare Remastered, so the articles will primarily be about games I'm playing in particular; that being said, I am open to suggestions, and if you want an article about a game I'm not playing at the moment, I will certainly be more than willing to do what I can for you.

Second, I'll be sharing some industry news and rumors regarding FPS games coming out, as well as updates to the most recent edition of the AAA FPS games out. I know from my experience that a lot of things can slip under the radar, especially if it's not shared by the major gaming media outlets. I want to make sure you're kept in the loop for all things FPS.

Along with tips and news, I will also be sharing my opinion regarding the games, DLC, and news. What would an entertaining blog be without an honest opinion? I want to make my voice heard, and I want you to make your voice heard. Disagree with my opinion? Comment why! I want this to be a community, so let's make it one!

Finally, I will be sharing game play videos and video clips that I think are cool, funny, or just think you would enjoy. Remember how I said I wanted this to be a community? Well, this is another part where you guys come in. Send me your video clips, and I very well may share them on the blog! I'll be sure to give you a mention for your clips as well!

The last point I want to cover in this inaugural post is how often I'll be posting. I want to post as often as possible, with a minimum of 5 posts per week. That is the goal. I will come out with a more set schedule at a later date, but as of right now, I will be focusing on 5 posts per week. You can expect my first tip tonight!

That about covers it for now, guys. Again, thank you for checking the blog out, and I will talk to you in the next post. FPS Gamer Noob checking out.